Akebono Co.,Ltd became an official member of the Used Vehicles Importer's Association , known as UVIA.
The Used Vehicles Importer's Association (UVIA) has been registered as an Employer's Association in term of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, Chapter 452 of the laws of Malta on the 13th May 2003. UVIA is the main used vehicles importers voice in the Maltese Islands.
To export to Malta you have to be in UVIA. No one can export or import if you are not part of UVIA.
Inspection in Japan is done by Vehicle Certification agency based in Nagoya, Japan. They are the executive agency of the United Kingdom Department for Transport.
Since the scheme for the inspection of second-hand vehicles prior to export to Malta from Japan (the so-called ‘Malta SVA’ scheme) was started in the last half of 2003, there have been a number of changes to the way in which the scheme is implemented.
These changes are not step changes but, rather, evolutionary phases. This is to be expected, as the scheme is new and unique. The idea of inspecting vehicles is, of course, not unique, but the requirements for vehicles going to Malta are a unique set of conditions based on a statutory instrument, with an underlying philosophy, that is unique to Malta.
As VCA has gained experience from conducting these inspections.
There has sometimes been a certain amount of confusion over what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for vehicles inspected under the Malta SVA scheme. The VCA does not decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable – the guidance comes from the Maltese ADT and is based on their requirements and their interpretation of Maltese statutory instruments.
Since the beginning of the Malta SVA scheme for second hand vehicles being exported from Japan to Malta, there have been various changes to the interpretation of what items are acceptable and what are not. These changes are the result of the earnest endeavours of all involved to properly and accurately tailor the inspections to the requirements of the Maltese legislation.
Whilst it is appreciated that changes in interpretations cause difficulties for all involved,
it should be borne in mind that the goal is to establish as clearly as possible just what is required so that vehicles may be purchased, submitted for SVA inspection and exported to Malta with the confidence that they meet the necessary requirements. The list below should, hopefully, greatly assist all involved. This list is not exhaustive and is produced for guidance only. However, if a vehicle is in completely standard condition, it is very likely that it will pass the Malta SVA inspection. On the other hand, if a vehicle has been heavily customised, it is highly likely that it will fail the Malta SVA inspection. Exporters should bear these simple criteria in mind when obtaining vehicles with a view to export to Malta.
Approved car models for import to Malta
Name: アコビル ラシドフ
Web: https://akebono.world/
Mobile: +81-80-9345-0655 (whats'app)
E-mail: sales@akebonocar.jp