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Radiation and car exports from Japan (AKEBONO)

On March 11, 2011, after a strong earthquake and tsunami, there was an accident and tragedy at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, that day I was at work in Yokohama and was selling cars. In the early days, there was intense panic and fear. Due to the fact that the company consisted mainly of foreigners, this incident adversely affected the personnel of the company, as many flew to their homeland due to fear of high radiation exposure. Accordingly, our salary was raised and I stayed to work.

The number of exports of used cars from Japan fell sharply. Many countries governments timely restricted the import from Japan during that time.

For its part, Japan, in order to resume exports to other countries, introduced mandatory testing of the radiation level before exporting cars and the level of the permissible radiation dose was not higher than 0.3 μZ / hour.

Also, we, as exporters, found some article from the American Research Institute, translated it into different languages ​​and sent it to our clients. It said that with a radiation level of no more than 0.3 μZ / hour, even a pregnant woman can get into a car, since nothing will happen to her and the child.

During this period, many exporters and clients (partners) suffered losses. So, there was one exporting company (I will not mention its name here), which invoiced TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company), which served the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, not only for the costs incurred for mandatory measurements of the radiation level, but also for suffered losses, and received partial compensation for losses.

Most of the exporting companies condemned the actions of this company, moreover, even the employees of this company were not happy with the decision of their head. Here you need to understand the situation in the country, when people suffered, and the country suffered colossal losses, then even the representatives of the Japanese Yakuza provided financial assistance to the population, so the exporting company's act caused discontent among the Japanese.

Ten years have passed since that tragedy. Problems with radioactive cars have subsided, and over the past three years, based on my personal experience with exporting cars, I only came across one car that turned out to be radioactive and did not pass radiation control on the Japanese side.

All exported cars, before entering the territory of any Japanese port, undergo a mandatory procedure for measuring the level of radiation. Without these measurements, it is impossible to export a car from Japan, while the threshold for passing the control remains the same - no higher than 0.3 μZ / hour.

The measurements are carried out by the Japanese organization ANCC (ALL NIPPON CHECKERS CORPORATION). The cost of measuring the radiation level of one car is now 1,500 yen + 10% of this amount.


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