How cars are being purchased and exported from Japan ?
STEP 1. Registration and deposit transfer.
STEP 2. Customer choose car , place his maximum bid and request auction sheet translation at
STEP 3. Our staff provide translation of auction sheet and additional photos of chosen car.
Translation can be seen in auction system.
Additional pictures are sent by WhatsApp.
STEP 4 Based on provided information customer adjust his maximum bid or cancel it.
STEP 5 After the approval by customer, our staff bid on customer's behalf in real auction.
Our staff bid up to the amount provided by our customer. On the customer's request we can take video of bidding process. Based on result we charge customer the actual sold price. For instance, customer's bid is up to 500,000 JPY and we purchased car for 400,000 JPY, so the customer will be charged 400,000 JPY. Car sold price can be checked via internet.
STEP 6. In the evening of car purchased day, auction sends us an invoice by fax.
Invoice for purchased car from auction, contents:
車両代金 ("Sharyo daikin") - Vehicle price
消費税 ("Shohizei") - 10% Consumption tax of purchased car price
R-預託金 ("R Yotaku-kin)- Recycle deposit (Read more about recycle tax )
自税相当額 ("Jizei soto-gaku")- When you buy a used car , the new owner pays on behalf of the previous owner "Various taxes and insurance that have not passed yet"- it is only for cars, which have "shaken" (inspection)
落札料金- ("Rakusatsu ryokin")- Successful bid fee (or so called Auction fee)
消費税 ("Shohizei") -10% Consumption tax of successful bid fee
STEP 7. Our company transfer money for the car and all expenses to auction house and our transportation company go to pick up the car from the auction.
Car should be picked up from auction in provided dead line. Above is the CAA auctions rules. Car could be picked up from auction, after one hour of the successful purchase.
From Tuesday to Thursday car could be taken from auction 24 hours. In order to pick up car, driver has to have drivers' license and auction POS id. Auction gives the driver so called
搬出券 ("Hanshitsu-ken") "Carry-out ticket" , with that ticket driver carries out the car from auction.
In yard (usually yard belong to Customs Broker and located near the port, our company owns yard closed to Toyama port also we use yards of other brokers) staff make the detailed pictures of the car, that later sent to customer.
STEP 8. We make an invoice to customer.
Invoice for customer consist of :
- Car price at auction 車両代金 ;
- Auction fee 落札料金;
- We don't charge customer, since we refund below taxes after the shipping :
消費税 ("Shohizei") - 10% Consumption tax of purchased car price
R-預託金 ("R Yotaku-kin)- Recycle deposit
自税相当額 ("Jizei soto-gaku") -Car tax
消費税 ("Shohizei") -10% Consumption tax of successful bid fee
- Transportation fee- 陸送料金 ("rikuso ryoukin") from auction house to yard;
- Shipping charges ー船積み料 ("Funazumi ryokin") which includes following fees:
a) Yard storage fee;
b) Photos;
c) Radiation check; (Read more about radiation check )
d) Custom clearance for car in Japan;
e) Loading of car (so called Stevedoring)
f) Fixing of car on the vessel (so called Lassing)
- Car inspection in Japan 検査 ("Kensa") , for some countries car inspection in Japan is required, such as JEVIC or etc.
- Freight- 運賃 ("Unchin") shipping fee from Japan to the country of the destination;
- DHL fee- for sending the original documents to the country of the destination (for some countries original documents are not required)
- Akebono commission- the commission of our company
STEP 9. Preparation of the export documentation
For shipping the export certificate and shipping invoice & packing list are required.
EXPORT CERTIFICATE 輸出抹消 ("Yushitsu massyo") - Is the documents, which give permission to ship the car out of Japan. After the car purchase and payment to auction, within maximum 10 days (usually faster) , auction house sends as so called 車検証 ("Shaken-sho") documents for the car. Our staff takes the "Shaken-sho" and car number plates, go to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism of Japan 陸運局 ("Rikunkyouku") and receive the export certificate for that particular unit.
This document proves that Japanese government permits to export the car.
INVOICE & PACKING LIST- インボイスとパッキングリスト- is done by our company. Based on invoice and packing list, car pass the customs process in Japan and shipping company makes Bill of Lading. The main information that should be mentioned in invoice and packing list:
- Shipper's name , shipper's address and phone (Akebono's info);
- Consignee name , consignee address and phone;
- Car details (Maker, model, chassis number, dimensions);
- Information on inner cargo, if any;
STEP 10. Customer transfer us the car price and expenses.
In case customer doesn't intend to purchase more cars , he/ she can use the deposit for payment and transfer the outstanding balance. After the money transfer , customer sends us the TT (telegraphic transfer copy) and once money arrived to our account, we send the confirmation to customer.
STEP 11. Booking of space to the shipping company.
In order to book space , two requirements should be met : 1) Car should be delivered to yard; 2) Export certificate for car should be ready.
We request booking to the closest date, based on shipping schedule
The send following information for the booking purpose to the shipping company:
- Invoice and packing list;
- Desired vessel name and voyage number;
- Desired shipping day;
- Port of the destination;
- Copy of the export certificate;
STEP 12. Customs clearance.
After getting confirmation from the shipping company, we send all information to the customs broker.
Every car pass the customs clearance two times in the country of origin and the country of the destination. Customs clearance in Japan is done by 通関業者 ("tsukan gyousha") customs brokers. They physically inspect vehicle, check the export certificate and fill the necessary information. Car passes the customs clearance two days prior shipping. The result of customs clearance work is document called ED (Export Declaration). This document is only for in Japan use (for tax refund) and not required for customer.
STEP 12. Car is loaded to vessel and shipped out of Japan. Shipping company issue the BL.
After the car is shipped out of Japan , shipping company issue the BL (Bill of Lading). It is the document that is made by shipping company and proves : 1) car ownership; 2) The fact, that the car is shipped out Japan.
STEP 13. We send documents to customer and provide the tracking number.
Among documents sent by DHL:
- Bill of Lading (original or copy if it is SURRENDERED)
- Export Certificate (original or copy, depending on the country of the destination);
- Translation of the export certificate (only some countries require);
- Invoice and packing list;
- Inspection copy (only some countries require);
- The Certificate of Origin (only some countries require)
Thus as you see above, documents to be sent , depend on the country of the destination's regulations.
STEP 14. We refund paid taxes.
After the shipping of the car and the expiration of the date for shipping provided on the export certificate we get our paid taxes refunded (check above). For the refund we need:
-Bill of Lading;
-Export certificate;
-Export Declaration.
That is the reason, why we don't charge our customers above taxed marked in Red color.
STEP 15. We inform customer of the estimated arrival day.
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