Golden week* holidays schedule 2021:
APRIL 26 (Mon)- Auctions work as usual
APRIL 27 (Tue)- Auctions work as usual
APRIL 28 (Wed)- Auctions work as usual
APRIL 29 (Thu)
USS Group auctions closed
Mirive Osaka
TAA Tohoku
TAA Kanto
TAA Chubu
TAA Hokkaido
Arai Oyama
Naa Osaka
KCAA Fukuoka
JU Fukushima
JU Kanagawa
JU Gunma
JU Aichi
JU Hiroshima
SAA Hamamatsu
ZIP Osaka
ISUZU Kyushu
APRIL 30 (Fri)
USS Group auctions closed
Aria Bayside
LAA Okayama
KCAA Yamaguchi
JU Hokkaido
JU Niigata
JU Miyagi
JU Chiba
JU Okinawa
JU Fukuoka
Mirive Aichi
MAY 1 (Sat)
All auctions are closed
MAY 2 (Sun)
All auctions are closed
MAY 3 (Mon)
All auctions are closed
MAY 4 (Tue)
All auctions are closed
MAY 5 (Wed)
All auctions are closed
MAY 6 (Thu)
Almost all auctions are closed
USS Tokyo
NAA Nagoya
LUM Kobe
LUM Hokkaido
MAY 7 (Fri)
Almost all auctions except USS are closed
USS Nagoya
USS Saitama
USS Osaka
NAA Tokyo
JU Tochigi
MAY 8 (Sat)
All auctions work as usual except Arai Oyama VT
* The Akebono staff are known for their hard-working attitude and dedicated approach to their professional lives. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy any downtime. One of the best periods of the year to relax and unwind falls during Golden Week which occurs between the end of April and early May.
Why is Golden Week Called Golden Week?
Golden Week (or GW as it’s often known in the country) got its name from the number of holidays that fall during the period. It’s quite simply a golden opportunity for workers to get some well-deserved rest and relaxation.
What Happens During Golden Week?
During this period many workers take advantage of the numerous public holidays and take paid leave. In a few cases, companies close down for some of the days between the formal festivals to give their staff a well-earned rest.
In 2021 the biggest block of holidays will fall between May 3nd to May 5th. During this time Japanese citizens will be able to enjoy a 5-day weekend, with intercity travel expected to peak on approximately May 1st. The official celebrations that make up Golden Week are:
April 29th: Shōwa Day
In Japan, the reigning Emperor’s birthday is a public holiday. The birthday of Emperor Hirohito, who reigned during the Shōwa period (1926–1989), has remained a holiday and is celebrated on April 29th, Shōwa Day (Showa no hi).
May 3rd: Constitution Day
Constitution Day (Kenpo kinenbi) celebrates the enactment of the 1947 Constitution of Japan. It is considered to be a day to reflect on the history of the country and the meaning of democracy. It’s a great opportunity to visit the National Diet which opens its doors to the public.
May 4th: Greenery Day
Greenery Day (Midori no hi) originates from the celebration of the Emperor Shōwa’s birthday. In recognition of this Emperor’s love for plants, this holiday is a day to be thankful for nature.
May 5th: Children’s Day
The final event of the Golden Week, Children’s Day (Kodomo no hi), celebrates children and their happiness. On this day families fly carp-shaped windsocks on sticks representing the legend that a carp which swims upstream becomes a dragon and enters heaven.
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