There are three possible options for buying cars at auto auctions in Japan: 1) directly present at the auction (bidding or so called absent bid in auction), 2) Absent bid remotely in NYUSATSU mode, 3) remotely from the office in REAL mode.
Let's look at all of these options with the KMAA-KANSAI MATSUBARA AUTO AUCTION auction example.
1. The best option is to buy a car, being directly present at the auction in the auction room. Pros: low auction fee, the ability to physically inspect the car before bidding, and priority when setting the same rate in comparison with the rial and nyusatsu modes.
2. The second option is to purchase remotely from the office in "REAL" mode. You simply find the item you need on the KMAA auction website and make your maximum bid. The system will automatically trade your bet up to the amount you specify. If your bid coincides at the end of the amount with this bid being traded in other modes, the system can raise your maximum bid to 3,000 yen. The convenience of this method is the minimal presence of the human factor.
3. And finally, the third method of purchase, it is remotely from the office in the "REAL" mode. This method implies remote participation in the auction by clicking on the computer.
The auction fee varies with different methods of purchase. There are many nuances, for example, the auction fee changes as well when buying from different departments of the auction. If you omit all the nuances, the auction fee at the KMAA auction will look like this:
When buying directly at the auction itself - 9,000 yen + 10% When buying in real mode from the office, 10,000 yen + 10% When buying in the "nyusatsu" mode (automatic) - 11,000 yen + 10%